With trading options, investors have seen the earning potential of options as an attractive investment vehicle that ought to be in their portfolio. But like any other form of financial tool, it has its perks as well as its cons and drawbacks. Below are five crucial features concerning options you should be conversant with to help you grasp options trading financial instrument effectively.

    1. What is options trading?

     Options trading is defined as a bargain for an agreement to sell or buy options on the stock, index, or future contracts. An option is a financial instrument whereby an individual is given the right to decide whether to buy or sell an asset like stock or a share at a specified price in the future within a stipulated period. There are two main types of options: indices, including those for calls and puts. To be precise, a call plan gives the holder the right to purchase the asset whereas a put plan gives the holder the right to sell the asset. 

    1. A comparison of the strike price and expiration date

     There are two important components in any options contract, which are usually simply called strike price and expiration date. It means that the strike price is the rate at which the owner of the option can purchase or sell the underlying asset as is the case with the stock. Contract date of expiration on the other hand is the deadline beyond which the information contained in the option contract is not considered to be relevant again. 

    1. Understanding premiums

    The type of option is the call option and therefore, if you decide to use an option, then one has to pay his/her broker for the price of the option known as the premium. It represents the cost of the option and it can be determined from factors like; the current price of the underlying asset, the strike or exercise price of the option, time until expiration of the option, and price volatility in the underlying asset.

    1. Benefit of Leverage 

    Though options trading is indeed a very rewarding way to invest, yet it is a daring one. The most beneficial feature of options is leverage, through which one can exercise a large amount of control over a large quantity of money for a relatively small amount of capital. 

    1. Possibilities and risks

    Options trading is a sophisticated financial instrument with precise possibilities and risks. Understanding key factors which include types of options (call and put), options pricing stimulated through elements like volatility and time to expiration, implementing risk management techniques, and leveraging capital cautiously for potential returns is important. Additionally, having a demat account is critical, facilitating online trading and removing bulky paperwork, enhancing performance and accessibility in the alternatives market.


    Having gained some background regarding what options are and how they operate, including the significance of strike prices and expiration dates, premiums, and the potential risks and returns involved, you have a good starting position and a point from which you can progress to dealing with the more detailed aspects of options trading. Just as a reminder, if you want to trade options, then having a demat account is inevitable because using it makes the management of your trading and your investments electronic.