Are you looking to improve the efficiency of your WebDriverIO test instances? There are various advanced techniques and best practices that can massively help to implement this process. WebDriverIO is a versatile and powerful automation framework that enables efficient and robust test automation for modern web apps.

    This framework also provides many features and integrations that allow testers to write, execute, and manage automated test cases easily. However, the tests must adopt these strategies to harness the proper utilities and efficiency of WebDriverIO and maximize the test automation efficiency.

    To further simplify this process, we will use this article to discuss some of the significant techniques and practices that can help modern testers and developers automate and optimize their WebDriverIO test instances.

    Understanding WebDriverIO

    Before we start digging into the intricate details of WebDriverIO, let us complete our primary discussion about WebDriverIO. It is a custom implementation of Selenium WebDriver API. Using this custom API, the testers can run automated test instances on various browsers and mobile instances.

    WebDriverIO also natively supports many test frameworks, including Jasmine, Mocha, and Cucumber. The support for these frameworks helps the testers to integrate other tools and services for better test execution, reporting, and the inclusion of agile methodologies.

    Setting Up WebDriverIO

    Before discussing all the advanced techniques and best practices for WebDriverIO testing, the testers and developers need a basic idea about the setup process for this testing framework. So, we have mentioned all the significant steps that will help the testers set up WebDriverIO for automated test instances:

    1. The first step is installing node.js and npm package installer on the automation testing devices. The application developers can perform this process by setting up a new WebDriverIO project and entering the following command:

    “npm init wdio”

    1. The above command will guide the testers through a setup process and allow them to choose their preferred test automation frameworks, reporters, and other services. For the sake of the discussion, in this article, we will assume Mocha as our default test automation framework.

    Advanced Techniques for WebDriverIO

    Now that we have finished understanding all the essential information related to WebDriverIO and its setup process, let us divert our focus toward some of the advanced techniques that can massively improve the efficiency and quality of these test instances:

    1. Parallel Test Execution

    As modern apps consist of thousands of different elements that demand a dedicated test instance, it will become a time- and resource-consuming process if the developers integrate and execute all these test instances simultaneously.

    The most effective way to reduce test execution time is to run them in a parallel configuration. WebDriverIO supports parallel test execution by configuring the ‘max instances’ in the ‘wdio.conf.js’ file. The following code snippet will allow the testers to perform the required configuration process:

    A screen shot of a computer program

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    So, by setting up the above instances, WebDriverIO will run a total of 5 different test instances at the same time. Moreover, by adjusting this number based on the infrastructure capabilities and the testing requirements, the app developers can significantly improve the speed of the test suite.

    1. Efficient Test Configuration

    The application testers need to implement proper test execution to improve and maintain the efficiency of modern automation testing. To further shed more light on this segment, we have mentioned some of the essential tips that will help optimize ‘wdio.conf.js’:

    • The first step is to set timeout appropriately. To implement this approach, the developers must define realistic timeouts for waiting for elements and page loads to prevent unwanted delays. The following code snippet will allow the testers to configure the timeouts during the test execution process:
    A screenshot of a computer

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    • Next, the testers can use ‘before’ and ‘after’ hooks as per the requirements of the app development project. Implementing global setup and tear-down logic within these hooks is essential to avoid repetitive code instances. The following code snippet demonstrates the implementation of this process:
    A screen shot of a computer

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    1. Page Object Models (POMs)

    We strongly advise the developers to implement Page Object Models within the testing logic of WebDriverIO. The page object model is a design pattern that massively helps create more reusable and maintainable test code. Moreover, by separating the page elements and actions within the class, testers can separate the test logic from the test structure. 

    The following code snippet demonstrates the implementation of Page Object Models:

    A screen shot of a computer program

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    In the above example, the testers can also use the ‘login page’ class to perform the following actions:

    A screen shot of a computer program

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    1. Custom Commands

    With the implementation of custom commands, the WebDriverIO testers can massively reduce code duplication and simplify complex testing operations. The testers can add custom commands within WebDriverIO using the following code snippet:

    Alternatively, the testers also have the option to use the ‘Login’ command in the test cases, as shown below:

    A screen shot of a computer code

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    1. Retry Mechanism

    Flaky test instances can be a significant obstacle to maintaining a reliable test suite. To combat this process, WebDriverIO provides a built-in retrial mechanism that automatically helps testers find the failed test instances auto-configure these retries in ‘wdio.conf.js,’ the application testers simply have to enter the following command in the terminal window:

    A screen shot of a computer

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    1. Using Browser and Element Commands

    WebDriverIO has multiple browser and element commands, which can help the testers simplify and optimize the test instances. To further improve our knowledge regarding this segment, we are going to consider the following examples:

    • Using “browser. wait until instead of implementing fixed delays; the testers can configure the system to wait for a specific command before proceeding toward the next instance in the test cycle. To implement this process, the application testers only have to run the following command:
    A screen shot of a computer code

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    • We also advise the testers to use ‘browse. Execute’ to run custom JavaScript in the browser context. This inclusion will massively help when the application developers are working with complex commands within the WebDriverIO test instances. To implement this command, the testers simply have to enter the following code snippet in the terminal window:
    A computer screen with text and symbols

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    1. Data-Driven Testing

    While executing WebDriverIO testing, the application testers must remember that multiple users with different use cases and usage patterns will use the same app. To improve the accuracy and stability of the app infrastructure, we highly recommend including data-driven testing.

    Data-driven testing runs the same test instance with thousands of different real-world test data. While using WebDriverIO, the app developers can initiate and execute data-driven testing using Mocha’s ‘. each’ or similar constructs. To further improve our knowledge, we have mentioned a similar code snippet that can allow the testers to implement this process:

    A screen shot of a computer program

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    Best Practices for WebDriverIO

    Now that we have discussed some of the most efficient strategies that can help the testers improve and streamline their WebDriverIO test instances let us go through some of the best practices that can further enhance the efficiency of the overall testing environment while using WebDriverIO:

    • Keeping the Tests Independent:

    While implementing these test instances, we highly recommend the application testers keep each of the test instances independent of others to avoid massive failures. Moreover, this instance will also help to isolate the failures of the specific test instance so that it does not affect the overall app infrastructure.

    To implement this process, the testers must set up and tear down the application’s state individually.

    • Using Assertions Wisely

    WebDriverIO has multiple assertions, including Chai, Expect, and others, that help validate the application’s state. However, the developers must ensure consistency and transparent implementation of these assertions to quickly identify the failures that might occur during the test execution process. The following code snippet demonstrates the efficient use of WebDriverIO assertions.

    A screen shot of a computer program

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    • Efficiently Managing the Test Data

    Modern applications consist of thousands of different elements that have dedicated test instances. So, it is only wise to expect the WebDriverIO test instances to have massive test data, which requires efficient management to ensure their reliability.

    The application testers can implement environment-specific data and configuration files to tackle this situation based on different testing environments, including development, staging, and production.

    • Utilizing Suites and Tags

    The testers must organize the test instance using different tags and suits. This implementation will help them run specific subsets of the test cases per the application’s requirements currently being developed. The following code snippet shows the implementation of continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines using WebDriverIO:

    A computer screen shot of a code

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    • Use of Cloud Platforms

    To further improve the efficiency of automated testing using WebDriverIO, app developers can use cloud platforms like LambdaTest. It is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ browsers and OS combinations, including real device cloud

    Moreover, using the AI-orchestrated infrastructure of LambdaTest, the app developers can efficiently execute and manage the WebDriverIO test data.

    • Code Quality and Maintenance

    To ensure the reliability of the WebDriverIO test instances, the developers must take efficient steps to maintain high-quality code. During this process, they should also abide by the coding standards and all the best practices. It is also essential to regularly review and refactor the test code to keep it maintainable and clean.

    We also advise the testers to use multiple linting tools like ESLint to enforce these coding standards. We have mentioned a sample code snippet that shows a clean and high-quality test execution code for WebDriverIO.

    A computer screen shot of a program code

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    • Handling Dependencies and Versions

    Finally, the testers must ensure that they are keeping their dependencies up to date to benefit from the latest features and bug fixes. To implement this process, testers can also use tools like npm-check-updates. The following command in the terminal window initiates the updating process for WebDriverIO:

    A screenshot of a computer

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    The Bottom Line

    So, highlighting all the factors we went through in this article, we can conclusively say that optimizing test automation efficiency with WebDriverIO involves a combination of advanced techniques and best practices. The testers can significantly enhance their automation workflow by using all the information we discussed in this article.

    Finally, by optimizing the WebDriverIO workflow, app companies can massively streamline their development environment to deliver high-quality web apps quickly. These apps tested with WebDriverIO will also be responsible for elevating the overall company reputation.